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Repair & Maintenance Services

Free Estimate & Evaluations

Give us a call, we will discuss your needs and determine the extent of your repair or service, plus when necessary schedule a free visit to your location to provide a complete evaluation and estimate of repairs.  .

Engine Service & Maintenance

Servicing your engine on a regular basis is paramount to having a trouble free boating season. Changing the oil, and other engine fluids can prevent engine damage and/or complete engine failure. Dirty engine oil wears on precision surfaces and the acids that contaminated oil contain are dissolving internal engine parts while the boat is sitting idle.. Frequent oil changes help prevent breakdowns and can extend the life of your engine by thousands of hours!. Regular maintenance and changing oils and checking fluids should be done prior to the start of the season, during the mid season and again when winterizing your boat. This is cheaper in the long run and RJR Marine Service has a very affordable plan that will save you money overtime.

Dyno Testing For Peak Performance

What is a Marine Dynamometer?
Dynamometer is a device that provides a measurable load (force) on an engine. Dyno service with Marine Dynamometers provides a load for marine outboards and I/O's to closely simulate actual on-the-water operation. Dyno load measurements can be used to evaluate an engine's full throttle power and acceleration. Having your engine Dyno tested drastically increases our troubleshooting accuracy running your engine under full load provides accurate readings and allows for proper adjustments to reach peak performance. Dyno testing saves time and money over traditional water testing (which adds significant labor cost to your bill). By comparing your initial Dyno reading to the specifications published in our Performance Guidelines booklet for your particular engine, we can determine if it’s producing proper full throttle power. Your initial Dyno reading serves as a reference point and each subsequent Dyno run will measure the increase or decrease in power resulting from our work. Our Dyno test readings can determine and detect problems such as a dead cylinder, power pack breakdown, high-speed misses, acceleration bog, heat-related problems, etc. A Dyno test is well worth the cost and most likely will save you money in the long run.

Engine Re-Power & Installs

Re-powering is exactly what it sounds like, getting a new and better power source behind your boat. Whether it's rebuilding your engine or installing a new one, this cost-efficient option is an alternative to purchasing a new boat or continuing expensive maintenance and repairs on an aging engine. When buying a new boat is not an option or affordable and you simply want a better, more powerful or fuel efficient engine a re-power is what you need.. RJR Marine specializes in re-power installs, our rates are far below any dealership install and our work is backed by 100% customer satisfaction program. 

Pre-Season Checkups (Spring Service)

WHAT WE  CHECK (Boat & Engine)

Remove Shrink Wrap
Verify Water Pressure

Install AntennasVerify Engine Temperature

Install, Charge, or Replace Batteries
Verify Shift and Throttle

Check and Clean Battery Connections (install lock nuts)

Check Gear Lube Level

Check All Electrical Accessories on Boat

Check Power Trim & Tilt Fluid

Service Electrical Light Connections with Dialectric Grease

Check or Replace Spark Plugs

Check Bilge Pump & Float Switch

Check or Replace Anodes

Check Steering - full movement side to side

Check Primer Bulb & Fuel Line Connection

Check Steering Fluid Level

Check Oil Level on Fourstroke Motors

Check that Steering Cable is Lubed

Top off Oil Tank on Twostroke Motors

Wash Out Boat



Check Wheel Bearings & Grease
Check Tire Condition & Adjust Air Pressure

Verify Trailer Lights & Ground Connection

Lube Winch and Jack

Inspect Leaf Springs

Check Brake Fluid



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We service and repair a full line of outboard engines including Mercury, Mariner, Johnson, Evinrude, Yamaha, Suzuki and Honda. We also service and repair Mercrusier and OMC inboard engines and outdrives. So whether you have a 1970's engine or a new engine, RJR Mobile Marine can keep your motor running! 

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